Saturday, May 07, 2005


You know what I don't understand? Shipping. If you order something and pay for the three-day turnaround, it shouldn't be day five with still no package in sight. But then, who do you blame - the company that shipped it or UPS? By the way, I am now boycotting UPS and DHL*. I will continue to swear by the good ol', trusty USPS folks. Love those folks in blue. I would love them even more if they could track packages, but that's another post. I know they get harassed for "going postal", but I think it is because they are like the unappreciated older brother. They've been around so long that now no one takes notice of them, so of course they're going to act out as their way of saying "Look at me! I'm still special!" Just give them credit where credit is due.

The other guys, on the other hand, are newbies, fresh from delivery school, and just like a High School senior, they think they own the world. (If you are a High School senior and just about to graduate, trust me; you may feel like you know everything now, but in a few years you'll look back, smack yourself in the forehead and say, "What was I thinking?" I know this because I was once there. And I'm still smacking myself in the forehead.) These young companies tout their skills, hoping to woo everyone, laughing at the old folks who just can't handle all things new-fangled.

Well guess what youngins'? You messed up. You didn't deliver on your promise (nor did you deliver on your deadline, for that matter). And besides, I know many a grandma who is email savy and who loves technology as much as the next person. I am not alone when I say, "Go back to Start. Do not collect $200 bonus."

But while you're on your way back to Start, would ya mind dropping off my package? I've got a deadline and a client waiting.

*I am not including links to the UPS or DHL site because they are evil and I don't think anyone should go there. Ever.


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