Sunday, May 15, 2005

The New Community

In the 1940s and 50s, everyone knew their neighbors. They often knew a majority of the people in their town, actually. Neighborhood BBQs and picnics were frequent, the Jones' boy in the house on the corner mowed your lawn each week and you had no problem leaving a key with Suzanne while you were away on vacation so that she could water your plants and take care of the dog. Afterall, you did it for her a number of times.

Nowadays, it seems so different. Maybe it's just because I am part of a young couple, fairly new to the area, and we don't have kids, so there is no automatic circle of the same parents with kids in Little League, swim lesons, and scouts. Still, none of my neighbors ever brought over a casserole when we moved in.

The internet is different, though. I've joined numerous groups online, meeting people with similar interests, swaping stories and developing friendships with people I "know" but somehow have never met in real life. Our casseroles are the kind words welcoming each other to the group. We look out for each other, wondering how they are when they haven't posted or commented in a while. We share tips and recipes, offering shoulders to cry on and shouting out in joy when something good happens to one of us. This is my community.

I know RubyRed has recently moved and that she's enjoying her new job. I am thrilled that Polka Dot Mittens is newly engaged! I wish that I could be there to help La Coquette celebrate her birthday. I worry for Gnome G, sending her good vibes and air-hugs. I wish that I could set up This Fish with my friend Ben (who is a different Ben than her friend Ben). I eagerly await for word from Sarah that her new press is everything she'd hoped. I can't count the times I've given praise and thanks to the Paperpreneurs folks. There are so many others, too numerous to name, that I turn to almost daily, for inspiration, for advice, for the feeling of community.

The world is definitely changing. We are at once becoming both more secluded as well as more interdependant, turning to others that we may know only in cyberspace and reaching across untold miles to make someone laugh or smile or just to let them know we're there. It such a growing community. We welcome new neighbors everyday. I feel like I have friends in a thousand different places. And always, I hope they know they have one in me.

P.S. Due to a lack of excitement, the Wall of Wonderings has been cancelled. Maybe one day when I know there is more readership out there for this ol' blog, I'll reinstate it or something even more fun. Till then, keep dreaming, never stop questioning and always, ALWAYS explore.


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